MI Crunchbox very very silent

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MI Crunchbox very very silent

Hi, I built a Crunchbox a few weeks ago ang could not get it to work. Yesterday I tried TL072 instead of LM833 and the result is that it "works" but I have to turn a 50 Watt Tube amp all the way up to hear something. I checked all the connections but I just cant find the mistake. I think I am getting nuts. Could somebody compare my board with his. Maybe there is an obvious mistake.

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Re: MI Crunchbox very very silent

I'm no expert , but I would be knifing those gaps to eliminate any bridges , so at least you don't need to worry about that when further trouble shooting.
Every circuit I've built I used a hacksaw blade to clean up my gaps and my last 4 builds have fired up first time.hope this helps