MOAR Darkglass - this time the B2K?

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MOAR Darkglass - this time the B2K?

Silver Blues
Hey all,

Here's another Darkglass layout for you. There is some confusion as to whether this is the B3K without the blend or something I've never heard of called the B2K  but nevertheless it's pretty cool and I'll be building one. I strongly recommend including a blend with this build (schematic left it off, I've not integrated it because it wouldn't be space efficient, I got this pretty compact), so the Split 'N' Blend should do nicely.

S1 is labelled on the schematic as "Napalm/Sparkle" and S2 is "Ultra Bright". Pot tapers aren't listed but I assumed the drive was linear and the volume log.

Anyway here (I've double checked this for correctness, so hopefully no one will have any problems with it!)

Is your build list long enough yet, Rocket?
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Re: MOAR Darkglass - this time the B2K?

Silver Blues
Also before anyone asks, pins 13 and 16 of the 4049 are not internally connected so there shouldn't be any ill effects from using them as intermediate points as I have here.
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Re: MOAR Darkglass - this time the B2K?

Hi Silver Blues. It looks like ZenCafe at DIY stompboxes was the originator of the circuit and is Darkglass. If you look at this thread I think the B2K was the first pedal he designed.
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Re: MOAR Darkglass - this time the B2K?

Silver Blues
Very cool, thanks for the info!
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Re: MOAR Darkglass - this time the B2K?

In reply to this post by Silver Blues
If I want to build an exact copy of the actual Darkglass B3K, can I follow this layout? And what about the three position switch of the original version versus the two way of this layout?
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Re: MOAR Darkglass - this time the B2K?

Silver Blues
This isn't the B3K. I wish it was. From what I understand it's a similar precursor circuit that also sounds very good. I haven't yet built this and it's not verified but if you want to take a crack at it feel free. Like I said above, using the NC pins on the inverter IC as intermediate points shouldn't be an issue but if something doesn't work out or you feel more comfortable just cut the track under the pin. I also reiterate that you will want to add a blend circuit to this for maximum functionality.

Although I believe John has built one of these, so if you'd like to chime in John do go on.
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Re: MOAR Darkglass - this time the B2K?


So there's not any available schematic of the original B3K?

Il 07/feb/2016 05:31 PM, "Silver Blues [via Guitar FX Layouts]" <[hidden email]> ha scritto:
This isn't the B3K. I wish it was. From what I understand it's a similar precursor circuit that also sounds very good. I haven't yet built this and it's not verified but if you want to take a crack at it feel free. Like I said above, using the NC pins on the inverter IC as intermediate points shouldn't be an issue but if something doesn't work out or you feel more comfortable just cut the track under the pin.
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Re: MOAR Darkglass - this time the B2K?

Silver Blues
Not that I'm aware of.
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Re: MOAR Darkglass - this time the B2K?

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In reply to this post by Silver Blues
This is verified, but I used 3.3nF cap on sw3 and insted of jumper the 1m resistor I put it in parallel with a 100k one, jumpering it gave self-oscillating problems.

Edit: I forgot to say that I cut pin 16 and 13 from my cd4049ube, otherwise it didn't work.
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Re: MOAR Darkglass - this time the B2K?

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Re: MOAR Darkglass - this time the B2K?

Not really bad, both with bass and guitar. 

2016-02-21 22:13 GMT+01:00 rocket88 [via Guitar FX Layouts] <[hidden email]>:
how does it sound?

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Re: MOAR Darkglass - this time the B2K?

Silver Blues
In reply to this post by luca.metal
Hey that's great to hear! I'll make a new layout with the cuts under the IC pins tomorrow. I figured since they were N/C internally they'd have no issue but I guess I assumed incorrectly. Easy fix. Give it a go with a blender and see if you like the tone better.
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Re: MOAR Darkglass - this time the B2K?

Forgot another thing, the pots are reversed...
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Re: MOAR Darkglass - this time the B2K?

Silver Blues
Are they? All right, sometimes pot direction is a bit hard to glean from schematics. Corrections have been posted, let me know if there's anything else.
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