MOSFET Rectifier Distortio

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MOSFET Rectifier Distortio

After a very long and unfruitful search for jfets in my area i saw this in fsb .Has any one come across this ? Will it work ? If so can any one draw a vero?? with and without the tonestack ? I have some bs170's n some 2N7000 . So no problem in that front. I wanna try different tone stacks too..
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Re: MOSFET Rectifier Distortio

I didn't take a look at this yet, but where are you located? I'm sure it won't be that hard to send you some jfets if that's what you're looking for. Shoot me an email and I'll see what I can do. I'll get. A chance later to really look at this schematic and see what's going on with it.
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Re: MOSFET Rectifier Distortio

Also - what kind of a sound are you looking to get? I don't see a name on this schematic.

Most of us buy everything online - largely from places in China like

It seems like they will ship just about anyplace. There are also many IC-based effects, and those are probably easier to source.
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Re: MOSFET Rectifier Distortio

Just to let you know, Tayda is not a Chinese company, they are based in Bangkok Thailand - they also have a distribution centre in Colorado USA.

Let us know where in the world you are Mahesh - I'm sure we can help you out.
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Re: MOSFET Rectifier Distortio

In reply to this post by motterpaul
tayda is not a chinese company they are from thialand. they have distribution centers all around, but seem to ship out mostly from one of two places colorado in the us, or thialand. if you don't know something for sure, then don't state it as a fact please.
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Re: MOSFET Rectifier Distortio

Silver Blues
Although I will add that there is plenty of good stuff from China on eBay as well.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: MOSFET Rectifier Distortio

Hey thanks guys. Im looking for a nice tight metal rhythm tone. The place is Kerala aka God's own Country. Down South in India. There is a real scarcity of parts in this corner of land. The circuit is named mosrect. This is where i found it
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Re: MOSFET Rectifier Distortio

This post was updated on .
Postage is really easy from England to India Mahesh.

Let me know What parts you are looking for, and what quantity you want. If I can help you out, I will.

EDIT: I have looked through that thread, and it seems incomplete - the links to circuit are dead, and the exact JFETs used is not stated. J201s? Is it even verified?
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Re: MOSFET Rectifier Distortio

Guys thanks for all your kind offerings. The problem is i have no way of paying for the stuffs . That's the reason i cannot get stuff from abroad & shipping costs a bomb.  I know the circuit is incomplete thought of giving a try , don't know may be an interesting sound and outcome. The thread has been dead for some time. Shall we give it a try??
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Re: MOSFET Rectifier Distortio

Hi Mahesh, I did not know that you were struggling to pay for parts. Do you know anyone that has a Paypal account? If you have a friend or relative that does, paying for parts from Tayda or from ebay is really easy.

A lot of sellers on ebay do free international shipping, and Tayda's shipping rates are the same to India as they are to the UK.
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Re: MOSFET Rectifier Distortio

It's not about the money the problem is to get the money there. No nobody close has PayPal a/c.
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Re: MOSFET Rectifier Distortio

Some where its said that he used soul sonic's freya as an inspiration if that helps guys