Against my better judgement, I decided to build this. Early on, I had some passthrough audio and some weaker phase effect. Then I didn't. Used a 7660 for a -9v inverter, off the GFX layout. Worked fine by itself. Didn't like the board though, and only gave me -0.15v. I have quadruple-checked values and placement on the board(s), and only have solid light on the LEDs and no passthrough audio. The 7660 would get very hot, and I feared I fried it. Now it only gets -2.35v alone. Built a 555 inverted, tested out a -8.65v. Tried it with the board, now I get the same (-2.34v), no phase or passthrough. Using 5339 LDRs (all I have), work great in all my other LDR builds. 7660 VR worked great in my MUTRON III build. Using yellow diffused LEDs, except burned one so subbed in a greenie. Still no sound. Only board subs include 2n2 parallel with 4.7n to give me 6.9n (for all 6.8n caps). Used a 330p in place of the 820 (biggest I have unless I go 1n. Have gone over cuts and traces, some dremmel goofs fixed and continuity is good (not the neatest work, but my hands are old. voltages for JRC4558s:
Upper L:
0.95 -0
-0 0.04
-0 -0.83
-2.34 9.40
Upper Mid:
0.83 7.49
-0 4.54
-0 8.27
-2.34 9.40
Upper R:
-0.69 -0
3.76 -0
-0 0.69
-2.34 9.40
Lower L:
-0.96 -0
-1.01 -0.76
-0 -1.06
-2.34 -1.63
Lower Mid.:
-0 7.06
-0 -0
-0 7.93
-2.34 8.73
Lower R:
6.77 0.76
-0.05 0.29
-0 8.11
-2.34 8.70
0 6.25
4.53 4.53
5.13 4.54
9.40 9.40