MXR 10-band

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MXR 10-band

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I'm new here and will be building a couple of pedals on vero shortly. I've been doing a couple of pedal kits, but will be doing some vero's soon from layouts on this site ;).

But that's besides the point. I know this request is too far from a feasible vero really, but maybe someone can get me to a pre-made PCB for this one, since I have not found one online. It's got 4 quad opamps, so probably too bulky for vero. The schematic is over here:

I was actually looking into mixing up the bands a little bit, playing with the Q's and center-frequencies, but to make a PCB really is not my favorite business, so if someone did one before, I'll rather take that one...
My heart can go where my head can't fit.