MXR FET Driver?

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MXR FET Driver?

Hey All,

I was watching this demo for the MXR FET Driver and started to have a GAS outbreak:

Does anyone know of a solid build on the site that would be comparable? I'm digging the tones, but didn't see a layout for the FET driver anywhere.

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Re: MXR FET Driver?

From the little research I did, it sounds like it's an op amp gain stage into a fet gain stage.  The only circuit I know of that has that topology is the Brunetti Mercury, for which I created a vero here:

It's more of a distortion but the tone controls are quite effective.

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Re: MXR FET Driver?

Thanks Frank NH I think i'm gonna give it a go! I haven built anything in a few of months (job relocation, move in to a fixer upper, and 4 kiddos). This and my 3/4 finished Azabache are gonna be my "comeback pedals";^)