Madbean Cave Dweller Troubleshooting

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Madbean Cave Dweller Troubleshooting

New to this forum, so not sure if this is the best place for this question.  I just built a cave dweller per this layout, and it works with great effect, but there are some issues I am concerned with.  The effect volume is a bit less than the bypassed volume, and there is a background "white" noise issue that gets louder with the echo control, and changes frequency with the time control.  It soulds almost like an old shortwave radio.  Depth has no ill effect, seems OK.  I have gone over my solder joints again and agian, nothing cold, no unwanted cross-links, and my vero strips and gaps appear clean and islolated.  The though that occurs to me is maybe the type/quality of caps I used are sub-par? I used old-school ceramics (salvage) for the 100nf, 47nf, and 4.7nf, new tantalums for the 10uf and 1uf, and new electrolytics for the 47uf and 100 uf.  Link wires to pots and jacks appear solid and well connected.  the B50K pots are salvaged from a '90s Fender solid state princeton chorus corpse.  They have been cleaned and worked well elsewhere.  I also added a 1n4007 diode from ground to input on the 7805 regulator, per the original schematic.  Still, is there somethig that might be better suited to decrease or eliminate the white noise and.or increase or equalize the effect volume more like bypass?  Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Re: Madbean Cave Dweller Troubleshooting

You're on the right track! Two things that I would do at this point:
1. Try a different power source, just to rule that out as a potential source of noise.
2. Audio probe time! Pull out the schematic and walk through the audio path to find where the whit noise gets added.
Q: Why is a drummer like a scud missile?
A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.