Madbean bacon Bits

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Madbean bacon Bits

I tried building this and had no luck. I only have ICL7660S but I did see a note at Madbean to use the 9.1v zener diode so I did that. Still the chip gets really hot and I get no sound. Otherwise, it s a simple build and I feel pretty confident about what I did. Any thoughts?

This is the text at Madbean:

The TC1044SCPA is suggested for IC2. The MAX1044CPA and ICL7660SCPA wil also work. If 
using the ICL7660SCPA, use a 9.1v Zener for D2 as the max voltage that chip can tolerate is only 
10v. The TC1044 and MAX1044 should use a 12v Zener instead. In either case, you should use a 9v 
power supply to run the Bacon Bits.

(his D1 is a 5817)
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Re: Madbean bacon Bits

No sound and a hot IC just makes me think you've got something shorting to ground that shouldn't be.
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Re: Madbean bacon Bits

You were right - I turned it over and noticed a cut where I had not drilled all the copper out (that was a first for me).

Still not working, though, so I guess I need to try new chips since I might have burned out the ones I had in there (at least the ICL). If not, I don't know what else to try.

Thanks for the tip, though. Now I know what to look for when I feel that kind of heat.
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Re: Madbean bacon Bits

Mystery solved -- in comments was written -

Axel23 October 2014 03:45
I have had some luck with removing the cut between pin 1 and 8 of the 7660S .

Now it is working for me.