Madbean tapanator - Phaser

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Madbean tapanator - Phaser

I've been trying to debug my madbean phaser and think i spotted an error in the layout,  any chance someone can confirm if i'm imagining it or not, or if it would even make a difference.

I thik a couple of the capacitors are in the wrong places


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Re: Madbean tapanator - Phaser

You are right.
They need to be swapped!
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Re: Madbean tapanator - Phaser


I've noticed something weird, well with my limited knowledge anyway.

I had the tapanatorator hooked up to the trem and wah with a daisy chained power supply and the LED's in both effects stay on permanently. The rate LED on the tapanatorator works as it should.

If i disconnect the tapanatorator from the power and power it with a battery (other effects still on the psu) they work fine.

Any suggestions why this happens??