Maestro Filter Sample and Hold?

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Maestro Filter Sample and Hold?

Definitely want to build one of these. Another that should fit nicely on tagboard if anyones wiiling to and if its not been done already. Schematic is here:


"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Maestro Filter Sample and Hold?

Also the original schematic and one with MODs are here:
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Maestro Filter Sample and Hold?

In reply to this post by Hozy31
Would love to do this one, but with 6 IC's it's going to be massive to get it done right. I think it would be better and easier to just buy a PCB. If I get a chance I'll work on this, but I'm not too positive about this one.
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Re: Maestro Filter Sample and Hold?

I looked into this one recently - Zappa used one (or the Oberheim badged version) extensively - It's all over Black Napkins for example, and I love that sound.

There is an existing vero layout on Sabrotone, and GGG sell a PCB. However, Harold says his vero was a total bitch to get working, and the GGG vero is supposedly full of issues too - looks like it could have been made wrong, or traced accurately, but from an incorrect schematic.

The forums are full of posts reporting odd behaviour from these, that does not seem to have been resolved.

Just a heads up on this guys - proceed with caution. It's a shame really as I would love  to have one of these!
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Re: Maestro Filter Sample and Hold?

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Re: Maestro Filter Sample and Hold?

Woo Hoo! Thanks Alex, You have just made one English Zappaphile very happy.

I did not realise that Madbean had a PCB for this. I've just had a quick look at all the info, and ordered one.
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Re: Maestro Filter Sample and Hold?

In reply to this post by Hozy31
Thanks for the info guys. I love Madbeans pedals i have built 14 of there pedals so far with only one build that sounded crap (Honey Dripper) although i suspect that was down to my choice of components. Definitely gonna order this one. Does take quite a while to arrive here in Sheffield UK though. My last batch took about 4 weeks to come.

While i am at it i am thinking of building the Ludwig Phase II synthesiser on tagboard from Do you know if anyone has attempted this and been successful? Can't find much more info apart from the pcb traces at geofex.

I love wacky effects they help my development of finding the best psychedelic sounds.

"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Maestro Filter Sample and Hold?

That's aweome. I guess I won't bother with this one then. Lol.

You know if it takes less time for me to get it, I can order a few for you guys and send them off to you. It might be faster and cheaper.
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Re: Maestro Filter Sample and Hold?

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In reply to this post by Beaker
I've tried to draw a vero for the Sharkfin a while ago but it was coming out too big and I completely forgot to give it another try.
I might do it soon.
I don't know if it works but the Ludwig Phase II vero on FSB looks huge.
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Re: Maestro Filter Sample and Hold?

In reply to this post by Hozy31
Another Psyche-head! Welcome Hozy - and from Sheffield too. Did you ever go to any of The Dream Machine psych mini-festivals at The Shakespeare on Gibraltar Street?

Good times!

Thanks Zach, but my Paypal finger was quicker!
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Re: Maestro Filter Sample and Hold?

In reply to this post by Hozy31
Thanks rocket for offering to do a layout but when i looked at madbeans pedals again it was another inner chimp moment and i have now ordered another 4 PCBs including the Sharkfin.

Thanks alex for offering to ship quicker but i didn't see your post in time. Yeh i know the Ludwig phase II looks big but after building so many smaller layouts and then recently buying a WEM Copicat IC400 i thought why do my effects need to be small. I know my studio will maybe get full quickly but hey if there is one out there that gives me the sounds i like to hear i am willing to build big boards. I would only do this for rare effects though as the cost of building/buying has to be taken into account. Boxing might be a problem but improvising with metal cake or tea tins might be a fun option.

Hey Beaker, I have only been in Sheffield since 1997 (originally from a village nr Edinburgh) but sorry doesn't ring a bell but i was a busy boy at that time with PhD an kids so didn't get out much.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Maestro Filter Sample and Hold?

The Dream Machine/Music Saves gigs were only about three/four years ago. Got to see The Warlocks, The Dilletantes, The Sky Parade and loads of other great bands.
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Re: Maestro Filter Sample and Hold?

Damn it. But to be fare i have only in the last few years going to gigs again so im not surprised i missed them. Didn't manage to miss the old classics like Gong though. Oh such a sad loss.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Maestro Filter Sample and Hold?

guys, there's a layout on sabrotone for this