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Maestro Ring Modulator

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Maestro Ring Modulator

186 posts
I stumbled on the Maestro Ring Modulator a while ago but read that it was difficult to clone since one of the chips MC1495, was supposed to be obsolete. However, I can find many MC1495s on eBay today. Does anyone knows more about this one? I don't think it's an easy build on vero however. (although some people probably have built more difficult ones).

A lot of info: http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/effects-projects/filters-other/maestro-ring-modulator/
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Re: Maestro Ring Modulator

1284 posts
Here's a schematic for the Oberheim version:


As you mentioned, General Guitar Gadgets have a clone of it already, so it does not seem to be that difficult:


Regarding the chips, it was probably the case that they were extremely rare and expensive when GGG first did the clone, but Soviet equivalents are now available from the former USSR suppliers.
Had a quick look on ebay - Elena and Sovcom have them at reasonable prices - I would happily trust them. Also found a Chinese seller selling "genuine" ones. They might be the real deal, they might be fake - they seem very cheap for a rare part.
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Re: Maestro Ring Modulator

613 posts
That could be a nice vero layout but it would probably help to eliminate all the "extra" jacks (Ext Carrier, Pitch Pedal Input, Osc. OUT and Modulation Pedal Input)
What do you think? Would that be worth?
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Re: Maestro Ring Modulator

1284 posts
In reply to this post by Beaker
Agreed Alex - there's a lot of extra functionality on this pedal that could be stripped off without affecting the performance for guitar use. As it is, it reminds me of the Mooger Fooger.

I've had a quick look at the schematic and also the schem for the Electro Harmonix Frequency analyser. The EHX looks very similar (to me at least) - minus all those extra jacks.


Might be worth seeing just how close they really are and doing the EHX, as the other IC, the 8038 is cheap and easily available.

It is the Devo pedal after all.