Making some pedals illegal?!

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Re: Making some pedals illegal?!

That very well may be. But what if the 9kHz frequencies are holding the zombies at bay. When the FCC started all this anti 9kHz attack the threat will get real. It makes perfect sense, the government will make millions on the new tax for people to protect themselves. I think we stumbled onto something very deep that we weren't supposed to know.
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Re: Making some pedals illegal?!

In reply to this post by IvIark
IvIark wrote
Next time I sell a pedal I'm going to put a sticker on saying

"WARNING: Filled with lead and cadmium and other horrible shit that will kill.  Please do not consume"
With a 'warning' like that, I'd want to buy it even more!
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Re: Making some pedals illegal?!

In reply to this post by rocket88
Not just the US I'm afraid.

I work in a college, and just a couple of weeks ago, caught one of my 16 year old students looking at freaking huge, two-handed machetes on the internet, during a lesson.

Me "should you be looking at that"
Him "I need one"
Me "Why would anyone need, let alone want one of those"
Him "The Zombie Apocalypse"
Me "Are you having a laugh"
Him "You will want one too come the Zombie Apocalypse"

Two minutes later he was showing me a video on Youtube of two guys, using the same machete to chop into zombie heads made from coconuts encased in ballistic gel.

The youth of today.
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Re: Making some pedals illegal?!

I hear you. I teach high school here in the US and most of the time I find myself realizing sometimes its better not to ask, because you might get answers just like that.

BTW, I love how this thread started off on a very serious note, and we just turned it into something beyond silly, and equally as serious. I've fallen out of my chair laughing on more than a few occasions.
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Re: Making some pedals illegal?!

Silver Blues
Well sometimes laugh is all you can do, man.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Making some pedals illegal?!

In reply to this post by Beaker
These kids might have a point, metaphorically speaking. We've all seen them walking around staring into their mobile phones, dribbling in front of the TV. There will come a time when they go crazy from the mundane life they lead and that's when we'll have to chop them all up with our machetes.  It will go down in history as the 'day the dead died'.......
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Re: Making some pedals illegal?!

Vince you just made squirt tea out of my nose!
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Re: Making some pedals illegal?!

Vince you are totally on to something there. I mean I always tell my kids they need to think and I just get the "UUhhhh" zombie sound. Kids these days are the zombies we need to fear. Hopefully, when it all goes down only the smart ones survive. BTW, I laughed so hard I leaned back in my chair and it feel over.