Mantic Flex Pro

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Mantic Flex Pro

Okay guys, maybe this is not the right place to post this topic, but I'd really like to understand how it works. It sounds like a fuzz factory on steroids, on to much steroids.. On an overwhelmed amount of steroids. I have no idea on how it might generate this sounds. The only thing I figured out is that the Filter rotary switch has the same effect of the switch on the fat fuzz factory, so it changes the value of the capacitor filter (I'm not sure of what I'm talking about, sorry). Here's a video . I tried to find some schematics , but I found nothing.
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Re: Mantic Flex Pro

That thing is sweet! To bad it costs $350. Although it's has its differences, the Escobedo Ugly Face will get you into that territory. It  def. not like the Fat F. Factory. I would build this in a heartbeat of there was ever a layout for it.
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Re: Mantic Flex Pro

It is absolutely like the ugly face. My bad. Might it be another ldr/led circuit that produces the synth sound? I mean something that turns on the led when we play faced with the ldr, like the vectrol to control another LFO or something. I don't know. It blown my mind.