Marshall 3005 and 5010 preamps

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Marshall 3005 and 5010 preamps

Hello everyone,
I'm Gabriele from Italy, I'm a guitarist and a tinkerer pretty much like everyone here and I've built many pedals using the layouts provided on this awesome website.
Recently I've had the chance to try an old Marshall Lead 30 (the 5010 model) and I've found it really amazing. Searching on the web it looks like the Lead 30 and its smaller brother the Lead 12 both have an excellent reputation and also seems that the smaller model was used by some big names like Billy Gibbons and Steve Lukather back in the day.
Looking at the preamp schematics they look really simple, so I thought that it would be cool to have them laid out, to plug them into a power amp of choice, a speaker simulator for direct recording or maybe even used as a stompbox.
Here are the schematics for the Lead 12:
And for the lead 30:

Thanks to everyone that will help and for the great work you're doing here!
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Re: Marshall 3005 and 5010 preamps

Bump for this!

Especially the 3005 preamp, seems simple enough to get a compact layout out of it.
Not that we REALLY need yet another Marshall in a box, I know, but the more the merrier!

Actually, if someone is kind enough to tell me what exact voltages are going to pins 4 and 8 in IC1 (and how to get them right from a 9V or 18V supply), I'm up to TRY doing it on DIYLC. Heck, I need to start doing things by myself...  With some help from IvIark's layout guide on the main page, hopefully I'll end up with just a few minor mistakes.

I'm also wondering, especially after watching Segeborn's nice vids about this amp, if the poweramp has some kind of EQ-ing or special features that make it sound like it does, or if it's just the preamp giving all the tone. This little sucker has a wonderful sound.