Matthew's effects architect version 3

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Matthew's effects architect version 3

Anybody familiar with this it has 2 non latching stomps, one for boost and one for the basic klawn clone thing, along with a tip ring sleeve on the side 4 remote switching. I can't find a schematic anywhere. It's probably 90% on the boost and 80% on the gain circuit in terms of putting the switch and getting it to do what you wanted it to. I've started to use it with remote switching which seems to be okay, but that's okay for my pedalboard, when I take it out for a little busking rig I don't necessarily want to have to take another two-button footswitch just to change it up. I of course push on the switches carefully, more carefully than when you're playing live, but it's unmistakable and even with high 90sit's just not acceptable for live playing it has to work every damn time.