Measuring transistor gain

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Measuring transistor gain

I built a Distortus Maximus. It uses a 2N5088 transistor, and the thread mentions that these transistors have a gain of about 300-900.

Being a gain-a-holic, i would like to have the most gain possible. So, how is this done?

Can I somehow measure the gain of my 2N5088's and then select the most gainy one? Or is this only possible 'by ear'??
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Re: Measuring transistor gain

Hi, I went through loads to try and get more gain from the distortus as I think It lacks that full saturation. The transistors didn't seem to make a difference in my case so I built it with the EHX LPB-1  with onboard trimmer going straight into it then adjust the trimmer for the amount of boost. It sounds MUCH better being boosted.

This one
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Re: Measuring transistor gain

Hi Vince,

It's late here now, but tomorrow i'll be able to try a booster in front. I have one with bass and treble knobs, so i can try to tweak a bit to see what i can get from it :)

So, in your build, you actually made 2 boards, and connected them inside? Kinda like the Triple Wreck? That's a nice idea. It may be the way for me to go also.
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Re: Measuring transistor gain


Originally I made the boost with a boost pot but then I just used the gain to control the level of distortion so made the onboard trimmer one and went from the output of the LPB1 straight into the Krank. There are some great mods to be had on the krank too.

The 22nf to the right, if you increase it, it scoops the mids. I had it on a 22/47nf switch.
And the 470pf is like an upper mids frequency. I had that on a 470/100pf switch.

With both switches activated it's heavy as hell.