Memory Man Deluxe Delay

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Memory Man Deluxe Delay

Dennis Fox
I found this Schematic. Has anyone laid out the Vero or thought of Laying it out?  I would love to build it.
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Re: Memory Man Deluxe Delay

This should be in the request section, not contributions. This is specifically for layouts made by members of the forum. I saw that you posted this in the request section too. I can tell you that this probably won't get done on vero, as it lol be rather large. There is a pcb for the memory man made by madbeans, and I would go that route, IMHO.
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Re: Memory Man Deluxe Delay

Madbean will soon release a new board to build the DMM. If you really want a DMM I'd get the Madbean board for two reasons, A: its going to be complicated on PCB already, let alone on vero, and B: his layout is laid out for four MN3008 chips, which can still be reliably obtained at a reasonable price, versus the two MN3005, which have become unicorns made out of pure unobtainium.

Or..... just get the Dirtbaby. A PT2399 delay voiced to sound like a DMM.