Metal Muff + mini metal muff

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Metal Muff + mini metal muff

Cant seem to find this anywhere
Link for the original
Fsb metal muff

Mini metal muff
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Re: Metal Muff + mini metal muff

The schematic is still available on FSB as a .pdf file.  A vero for this would be huge and at least in the US & Canada you can easily find used ones for 50 or 60 bucks.  I'm not sure if you could build it well for much less.  I guess it would be worth it if they're unavailable in your area.

That said this pedal is great if you want super heavy RAT-like distortion with dramatic frequency controls.  I work in a music store with my region's widest selection of high-end boutique pedals, and when people come in asking "dude what's the heaviest thing you have" I point them to the $60 Metal Muff that's invariably in the used bin.
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Re: Metal Muff + mini metal muff

i don't think this one is gonna happen. the board would be massive, and they can be found for super cheap. i've got a metal muff that i picked up for $35 like new years ago for shits and giggles
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Re: Metal Muff + mini metal muff

Very true Rockett88. I gt the mini metal muff for 10 bucks sold it for 25 and a beer . I want a discombobulator 2 , Did you ever make one ? Its apparently very similar to the mxr
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Re: Metal Muff + mini metal muff

I didn't. I was looking at making a layout for it, but it kept coming out a mess. It's definitely an alex layout. I'm sure he could get it nice and neat. Always wanted one though.