Microcassette Tape Delay

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Microcassette Tape Delay

I just came across this on Instructables
Micro cassette Tape Delay
This looks like a pretty fun project and it's on vero. I didn't know if I should put the link in the contributions section or not.

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Re: Microcassette Tape Delay

You and I must have different definitions of fun it would seem.  

Personally I would never built something like this, as my limit is: can I use this in my life rig on stage or not? And I doubt this ever will. But it would be damn impressive if you could build it. I'd say go for it and take lots of pictures!
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Re: Microcassette Tape Delay

In reply to this post by Synsound
Sounds like the guy demoing it hired a monkey to randomly hit buttons on a cheap Casio keyboard with no frame of reference whatsoever.  This might be a really cool project but based on the demonstration the guy in the video did, I have no idea.  

Bonk! Bonk! Pause!  Zap!  Bonk!  Random-sample-guitar-bend! Pause! Bonk! High pitched noise!

It's like demonstrating how a guitar sounds by recording yourself dropping it on the floor... (which, now that I mention it,  I'm sure someone somewhere has done).

Again, looks like a cool project, and I can guess at what it is supposed to do (tape loop), I just wish the guy in the video was at all interested in showing off what it does (unless  "Bonk! Pause!  Zap!  Bonk!  Random-sample-guitar-bend!" is actually what it does, in which case I'll pass, heh).  I was listening for an example of some sort of delay but I really have no idea if that actually happened or not.
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Re: Microcassette Tape Delay

I think this has some great promise. You could have an ep-3 in front to mimic an echoplex. My only issue is that I looked on eBay for 2 of the mini-tape dictator things you need for it, but they are surprisingly not cheap. I mean I can grab a digital one for less then the tape ones. I guess out there someone collects these???
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Re: Microcassette Tape Delay

In reply to this post by Synsound
As someone with plenty of experience with tape in the studio (quarter or half-track at 15 IPS) I do understand the attraction of tape for audio.

But the idea that ANY tape, including microcassettes or even Teac 4-trk cassette recorders are going to have some kind of "magic" sound just because they use audio tape is off the mark in my opinion.

If you want "lo-fi" look for analog bucket brigade ICs or just use a PT2399 and design the circuit to get a lo-fi tone.