Mid-Fi Electronics Clari(not)

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Mid-Fi Electronics Clari(not)

Peter Venkman
I was wondering if I wound get more control by wiring Delay 1 and 2 together soldering the wire to the board and running a separate wire from Depth 3 to the board and soldering it to the same rail and then doing the same with Delay 3 and Depth 1. i have enough space on the board as I am not cutting it down, but was curious as to wether the effect was achieved by Delay 1 &2 and Depth 3 being connected before the wire is connected to the board?

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Re: Mid-Fi Electronics Clari(not)

Addy Bart
Don't think it makes any difference. I'm quite sure this is how I did it, the second time I made one. It just seemed less of a tangle that way.
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Re: Mid-Fi Electronics Clari(not)

Peter Venkman
I seem to be having issues with the TRACK pot. It doesn't do anything at all to the effect no matter if the fuzz lift is on or off. I think my LDR is too large. I used a 10mm LDR and a 3mm LED, everything works fine but the track pot doesn't do anything. I've quadruple checked the wiring of the pot, replaced both ICS multiple times and the pot doesn't seem to alter the effect at all, which sucks because my enclosure is already drilled for 5 pots and one toggle.
make them loud enough to melt the sun
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Re: Mid-Fi Electronics Clari(not)

Addy Bart
Check the LED: Does it glow in response when you play?
Set all the pots to 12 o'clock and shine a torch light (I use my phone) across the LDR to check if it modulates the pitch at all.