Mini toggle wiring

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Mini toggle wiring

Been lurking here a while. First time post. I'm building the Wampler Ecstasy and on the mini toggle switch there's nothing listed for numbers 3 & 4 on it. Are they left alone?
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Re: Mini toggle wiring

First, welcome. Second, if you don't have something listed, ie no mention of lug 1 for a pot, or nothing marked for a switch then just leave them unconnected.
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Re: Mini toggle wiring

Ok. Thanks for the reply. Yeah basically everything is listed for the mini toggle is listed but 3 and 4. I was just making sure they're weren't jumpered or anything.
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Re: Mini toggle wiring

No worries man. It's always better to ask questions then just go mucking about and screw everything up. If you want I'll even double check my build of it to make sure.
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Re: Mini toggle wiring

I'm gonna finish wiring it up this weekend. If I have any issues I'll let you know. Thanks a lot!