Mixer question

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Mixer question

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I know many people ask about the subject and I've seen the 2 Channel Mixer mirosol posted. :)
What I have trouble deciding is if I need the active circuit or not. Here is the case.
My guitarist uses an acoustic guitar and has an EHX B9 organ machine. This has two outputs, one for dry signal (buffered) and one for the organ. So he is forced to use two channels on the console. To avoid that I thought of building a mixer so he can use one channel only.
The question is, do I need the active mixer, or a simple ab/y setting with pots will do the mixing required with no signal loss?

Sorry for asking, but I've seen many "mixer" topics around the forum but none of it seems to fit my case.

Also, in the ab/y setting, instead of two "volume" pots, could one use a single "balance" pot instead? With the output on lug 2, A on 1, B on 3. Or it would take a dual pot to add ground in there?