Mod "Yerasov 5000V"

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Mod "Yerasov 5000V"

I made some changes to the layout that published mark the "Yerasov 5000V"

Replaced the 2 LEDs, with 2 BAT85 diodes.
Eliminated the Cap 22nF of Insulation1 who goes to ground.
Increased to 120nF Cap that goes to Pin 4.

I had a dramatic drop in volume, due to the compression and cropping, but the sound is really nice!

I would ask how I can fix to increase the volume.
Replacing the 50k with a 100k?
Replace 220nF going to Current3 a Link?

If possible before you make any other changes I would first opinion.

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Re: Mod "Yerasov 5000V"

i could be wrong, but i'm pretty sure you need the 22nF cap from insulation 2 to ground. if you look at the layout without it insulation 2 is not connected to the circuit and have a major effect on the pot and the signal. why did you remove it?
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Re: Mod "Yerasov 5000V"

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I removed from 22nF insulation 1 to give more tone, in fact if I close everything insulation, the signal passes anyway, but obviously if I open it will have most effect without going to the ground because I wanted groped to increase the volume, I did experiments since I installed socket there . I just want to increase the volume because with BAT85 and far spent, but the distortion is great.
However in reality it is as you say, and he needs to go to the ground and thereby adversely affect jumping connection. But I could put a cap of less value. The fact remains that I do not know how to increase the volume. the only alternative is to increase the value of Current from 50k to "?" k
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Re: Mod "Yerasov 5000V"

Just to share my experience.
In the end I decided to keep 22n between isolation1 and current1.

a brief taste with a clip.