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Modding a blue box

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Modding a blue box

610 posts
Hey guys,

I'm trying to get some more volume out of my reissue blue box. I love the effect as is. I have heard about clipping or bridging a part, but the volume would be only slightly more and it will be less weird.

I remember once reading something about fitting a booster in the battery compartment.

I think that would be doable, but maybe I'm wrong ;)

Judging the schematic (well, another version but surely sort of the same: http://web.archive.org/web/20051014171114/home.houston.rr.com/cjlectronics/schems/bluebox.jpg), lug 2 of the level pot goes to output. So if I would desolder lug 2 of the pot (or just cut a chunk out of the leg), solder a wire from the pot that goes as input to my small booster, and then reattach the output of my booster to the board (or remaining piece of lug remaining to the board I would be good?

I also have to figure a solution for the ground and 9v..

Now I see the adaptor lugs sticking out of the board a bit:

Could I just solder the ground and 9v to those?

Or do I have to ground it somewhere else? Like a lug of the pot that goes to ground?

Hope someone can help!


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Re: Modding a blue box

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
484 posts
you have already answered all your questions! that's what you should do.from vol lug2 go to booster input, and from booster output to the board wher vol lug 2 was. and for the power supply, you should be good to go by taking your 9v and ground straight from your jack just by soldering 2 wires at the spots you've mentioned!i'm sure you won't have any problems.
in my blue box, i used a lpb-1 and it worked pretty well..unfortunately i didn't used it a lot the past 3-4 years, so i recycled the parts for other projects...
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Re: Modding a blue box

610 posts
Wow, thanks a lot!
Will do that. I was thinking of the lpb-1 too! Glad to hear it works :) Have had it for years, but always a letdown when I kicked it on and...: below unity.

Thanks for replying!
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Re: Modding a blue box

1284 posts
I built a Blue Box using one of Fuzzdog's PCBs which has a LPB-1 included on the board.

It really does the trick.
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Re: Modding a blue box

3037 posts
you know, you could just build a new one from the layout on the site and have the LBP booster on board. saving yourself the trouble of messing the the PCB. plus this way you can always sell the one you've got as original if you ever wanted.
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Re: Modding a blue box

610 posts
In reply to this post by Beaker
Good to hear!
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Re: Modding a blue box

610 posts
In reply to this post by rocket88
Yeah, you're right. That's still an option. I have been toying with that idea, they're just not that popular in Holland I feel. New they're going for around 70-75€. Which would probably mean I'd get 40 for it.

In the end I think it won't make that much of a difference financially. It seems like a simple mod to carry out for someone less experienced.

Might be a good thing for me to do once too :)

But I will consider it!
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Re: Modding a blue box

610 posts
In reply to this post by ξεναγος νεκροπολης
Working! Thanks guys!