Modified Little Green Wonder

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Modified Little Green Wonder

is there a way to take out the body pot and set the resistance that goes to it at around 12 o clock (whatever value that ends up being) and then adding a tone pot? and eventually maybe adding a clipping section for the LEDs and the appropriate diodes

would be awesome to get this running :D

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Re: Modified Little Green Wonder

I'd probably do it on a daughterboard because altering the layout to add resistors will make it over 21 columns and so make it unsuitable for a 1590B.  On a small daughterboard you could include the two resistors, or even better a couple of trimmers so you still have total control but internal.  Then you could also add the different clipping options you want.  For a tone control you could just tack a SWTC at the end, in between the Volume 3 wire and the volume pot.  Like these

You'd just need to again experiment with values to get the response that works with your gear/ear.
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Re: Modified Little Green Wonder

hey thanks mark... i have a couple ideas... can you email me the layout file so i can edit it?

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Re: Modified Little Green Wonder

In reply to this post by IvIark
also... what pair of diodes would you recommend with the green LEDs?
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Re: Modified Little Green Wonder

Try something like this.  Personally I'd go with the trimmers

Use your favourite diodes for the other clippers, 1N4148, 1N4001, schottky, germanium, or whatever
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Re: Modified Little Green Wonder

hmm... interesting thought. here's what i was thinking:
omitting body pot A. Move the far left 1uf cap to the left and put a 10k resister from that rail to ground. (standing a little bit, ah well) (was also going to socket that resister to see what i'd like best)
For the tone control... I was going to swap the 47n cap and 470r resistor(that'll be standing a bit). (47n cap -> 470R -> ground) Connect lug 1 of a 20k lin pot to pin 5, lug 2 to the 47n cap, and lug 3 to pin 6... forming a classic TS tone control -- For the board: Take the wire labeled "Body B 1 & 3" to Body B 2, then run wires from the strips going to pins 5 & 6 to Body B 1 and Body B 3, respectively.
As far as clipping, in my head, i was going to take wires coming out of the positive sides where the LEDs would be, to the center poles of a dpdt. then two green LEDs on one side, and 2 other diodes on the other.

What do you think about this idea?
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Re: Modified Little Green Wonder

In reply to this post by IvIark
also putting this in a 125B enclosure btw
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Re: Modified Little Green Wonder

In reply to this post by IvIark
just realized also, with that idea... it's tricky to take that 47n cap to ground. dunno how i would go about doing that one
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Re: Modified Little Green Wonder

excuse me, the 470r resister*... not the cap