Mojo Hand FX - Colossus Fuzz

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Mojo Hand FX - Colossus Fuzz

Hello fellow pedal builders!

Can anyone please make a vero layout for the Mojo Hand FX? I found the schematic on the internet but I don't know how to make a layout myself and would like to contribute to the blog.

This is the schematic as found on

COLOSSUS modified Sovtek Big Muff - MojoHand FX made an excellent Big Muff clone in 2011 called the Colossus. It is nearly identical to the Civil War Big Muff circuit, and MojoHand swiped the same tone circuit and mids pot layout as the Musket. Instead of a pot to set the input level like the Musket, the Colossus uses a three position EQ switch. The only other changes from the Civil War were the use of large 560pF caps at C11 and C12. This was marketed as being based on the Civil War Sovtek BMP, but those only used 430pF or 500pF at C11/12. Compared to the Musket V2, the tone section also has slightly larger caps at C9 and C14, and a slightly smaller resistor at R5, but I believe those same values were in one of earlier Musket versions, so they were likely just copied from that. Overall, I like the sound of the Colossus and the mids control range slightly better than the Musket.
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Re: Mojo Hand FX - Colossus Fuzz

i'll do this now. it's really not that much different then the posted layout for the civilwar muff, some values were changed, and added mid pot and input cap switch.
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Re: Mojo Hand FX - Colossus Fuzz

In reply to this post by Valterh