Moog Electronics for RD Artist Bass

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Moog Electronics for RD Artist Bass

While this is fairly specialized. i'm thinking of building a Gibson RD Artist bass. for those that don't know about this bass, it's really special in that it has electronics designed by MOOG. so to really make one i would need to do the electronics for it, and i just don't have time to make a layout, and figured it make be easier to make it on a few boards, rather then one mosterous one.


btw, here's a look at the back of an original RD Artist bass, the electronics take up nearly half of the back.

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Re: Moog Electronics for RD Artist Bass

Nice Zach. A guy I knew locally had one back in the day. My band supported his a few times. He was always having problems with snapping strings, caused by the string-through-body / bridge combination, despite playing with his fingers rather than using a pick.

Do yourself a favour and omit the string-through, and use a Hipshot Super Tone bridge. You will thank me for it later!
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Re: Moog Electronics for RD Artist Bass

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Re: Moog Electronics for RD Artist Bass

Good choice. They are a massive, no, actually make that a MASSIVE improvement on the original Gibson design.