More weekend work

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More weekend work

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Slowly replacing my vero builds with PCB's of my own design from schems.
Here's a few from this evening.

The Highway 89, I tried to simulate an interstate sign for the shape of the PCB, Meh.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: More weekend work

some high class pcb-a-pimpin' happenin' right here, ladies and gentlemen...

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Re: More weekend work

In reply to this post by Chris60601
Why, if I may ask? Because its an interesting intellectual challenge? Because you're trying to start Yet Another PCB Company? Or because you think there's an improvement in both sound and noise levels?
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Re: More weekend work

In answer to your questions, Muadzin ( in order too)

Yes, I feel that learning (insert personal preference of CAD-ware) helps understand reading and building circuits. It's something I needed to do to help me understand the "bigger picture" AND, it's fun as hell!

No - these are purely personal builds for me. No intention on selling as I am using product names.
While Vero is still a great way to break into this hobby, we all find our own avenue to eventually walk down. We all take pride in the units we build and when someone wants to know where I got stomp "A" I can say I made it. And when they look inside of the device, I get a personal satisfaction knowing that the person viewing the stomp (in and out) is in awe (as you can see it in their face). AND lastly, knowing that I did the very best I can do!

Improve the sound? I dunno about that. I'll leave that argument to the wiser folks here. I fell into that "discussion" on another medium one time before and was rather insulted by many including a few from here. So....

But in the end, it's really all about what I want for my own builds :)
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: More weekend work

I think they look great Chris! I do like a nicely laid out PCB.