Morning Glory getting no sound

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Morning Glory getting no sound

I just build two Morning Glories.  One works and sounds great!  It reminds me of modified BD-2.  The other is not making any sound at all, no buzzing, no humming, nothing.  I've doubled check the components, reflowed all the solder, and even scored the spaces in between the vero strips and still no sound at all.

I decided to trace the signal path and was able to follow it up to the clipping section.  Based on this schematic:, I was able to trace sound out of the drive pot & pin 6 of the IC chip.

But then the signal stopped in the clipping section.  Just the bottom of the 220K resistor gave me a signal but not the top of it.  The 6.8K resistor gave me signal, as well as D3.  The bottom of D4 gave me a weaker signal but the top of D4 gave me nothing.  Neither D2 or D5 gave me any signal.  The 470pf and both of the switches gave me a signal.  And I got no signal before or after the 1K resistor.  Hopefully that all makes sense.  Thanks for the help!

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Re: Morning Glory getting no sound

Are you sure that's a 6k8 you have in there? In the picture it looks like a 680R.

Do you have a camera with a macro setting or higher resolution? It's hard to make out the colors.
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Re: Morning Glory getting no sound

Yes, it is a 6K8 resistor.  Sorry about the photo, I took another one with less glare.

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Re: Morning Glory getting no sound

Your description suggests a solder bridge between the 4th and 5th rows from the top, in the vicinity of top of the 220k. Knife that gap again. If that doesn't work, remelt the solder at the top of the 220k. Remelt the solder on pin 7 while you're at it.

If none of this work check for signal again. Specifically, do you get signal on both sides of the 470p or just at the top? Do you get signal directly on pin 7? Check both the pin itself (on the ic) and the solder side of the vero.

Unrelated: the top-left 10uF should go have its positive leg on the top row, not the second row.
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Re: Morning Glory getting no sound

Thanks!  I thought I knifed the gap well enough before.  I did it again and now it works great!