Mr Black: Downward Spiral delay

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Mr Black: Downward Spiral delay

I realize it doesn't stand a great chance since I can't find a schematic. Seeing the Mr Black overdrive made me think of this one. Maybe someone has a gut shot or perhaps an existing vero could me modded to achieve this downward only pitch modulation. Fingers crossed.
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Re: Mr Black: Downward Spiral delay

Jack does his best to make it as awkward as possible to trace his pedals, hiding traces and using multi-layer boards so that you can't just follow the tracks and draw a schematic from it.

I've never even seen inside one and so don't know how big the circuit is or whether it would be suitable for a vero layout, but we would need to find an owner who doesn't mind spending a bit of time with a multimeter making a map of all the points with continuity so it can be worked out.
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Re: Mr Black: Downward Spiral delay

Also, I'm sure it's based on the FV-1 chip so there's no way of ever cloning it..
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Re: Mr Black: Downward Spiral delay

That depends on whether he's using the default programs or not.  If there's also an EEPROM chip in there then it will be custom programs and so that can't be just copied, but if the default reverb is good then there is always the chance that the builder hasn't been bothered going to the trouble and expense to create his own.  Knowing Jack he has though