Multiple Pedals Sharing A Single Enclosure

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Multiple Pedals Sharing A Single Enclosure


I am wondering about shielding between different pedals, and whether it would be ok to put several pedal circuits into the same enclosure, or whether separate enclosures would be better for preventing interference between them. What about one larger enclosure with internal walls?

As multiple units sharing an enclosure would save on space, weight, cost and complexity (no in/out jacks, for example), I would have expected it to be the usual way of doing things, unless there was a big downside, which I had guessed would be interference between the units. But I have seen some designs here for two pedals in one box, and I have seen the Cog multi-effects custom orders, which sometimes have several different PCBs and circuits together in the same enclosure.

Is it generally ok to keep several pedal circuits in the same enclosure? Would the difference in sound quality be noticeable in comparison with the same units in separate boxes?

Thank you for your help.
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Re: Multiple Pedals Sharing A Single Enclosure

Hey man. Of course you can put multiple pedals in one enclosure, a bunch if us do it all the time. Typically there isn't an issue with interference between effects, but you can get some hum or ossilation due to the shared power. It's super easy to fix, just look up the humulator, I think that Neil posted a few different versons of it. It helps filter the power and removes the hum. Also, if you look on the main site at the offboard wiring section you can see how to wire 2 effects in one enclosure. This way you can control each effect individually. If you want three just add another switch and follow the pattern.

You won't need to worry about any sound degridation. In fact one dual effect that's been suggested a lot is the zen drive into a Timmy. It's a great stacking OD.
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Re: Multiple Pedals Sharing A Single Enclosure


rocket88 wrote
It's super easy to fix, just look up the humulator
I believe you mean the huminator.
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Re: Multiple Pedals Sharing A Single Enclosure

Bwahaha. I couldn't remember it exactly, but I was close and what I said sounded cool. Now I've got to create the humulator.
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Re: Multiple Pedals Sharing A Single Enclosure

Excellent, thank you for your help! That will be a great saving on space, weight, effort and cost.
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Re: Multiple Pedals Sharing A Single Enclosure

Further to this, do you think it would be ok to go as far as to remove some of my existing pedals from their enclosures and put their components into one shared enclosure along with some pedals I have built myself? I am thinking for things like a Boss BF-3 Flanger, which I will have to open up anyway to reroute the controls. So I am wondering if it would be better to completely remove the casing, making the combined units a lot more compact and lightweight.
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Re: Multiple Pedals Sharing A Single Enclosure

You can due that no problem. If you're doing it to an existing pedal the easiest thing to do is to desolder the power jack and change it to a standard one we use in our builds.