Music Man onboard preamps, Stingray, Sabre, original, by Harald Sabro, by Bajaman, modified, etc (summarizing page)

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Music Man onboard preamps, Stingray, Sabre, original, by Harald Sabro, by Bajaman, modified, etc (summarizing page)

This post was updated on .
the reason for this post is to make a unifying page
so that it could be easily accessible in the future...
now photobucket pictures disappear, websites, too... links won't work anymore...

In any case
we have Bajaman's schematics... and PCBs
and Harald Sabro's layouts

Bajaman's schematic -- original post:

the sabre II is already blurred by photobucket (demanding $$) ... but we can find it elsewhere....
NOTE: at one point, Bajaman says that there was a mistake in it (the PCB? or the schematic?)... and that he would post the new one... which he did...
only it is now blurred, thanks to photobuck ($$)

the collected schematics:

(I think I understand a certain unspoken concept about publishing schematics here, so I'd rather put a link here, to a g-drive link, which will hopefully stay as it is over time)
what you find there:
  • Sabre II Bass (by Bajaman)
  • Sabre II Bass hand drawn schematic (by Skipp May)
  • Sabre II Guitar (by Bajaman)
  • Stingray I Bass (by Bajaman)

the layouts:

Harald Sabro's great contribution at
what you find there:
  • The Sabre II for bass
  • The Sabre II for guitar
  • The Stingray II for bass

other stingray layouts here at guitar-fx-layouts:

further reads:

this is basically it... I hope this will prove helpful