Music Store, how long does it take to get an order?

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Music Store, how long does it take to get an order?

Hi mates,

On past monday I purchased a new amp on music Store (Germany). It was sent on tuesday, and at 23h:30 of the same day it was heading to Spain trough DHL Global Mail Welpaket Premium.

Today I still have no news about the shippin' and phoned to Correos (spanish mail service, that is the one that has to delver this order here) and were told that the parcel has still not arrived to Spain, and that  this is not a normal situation, as should have arrived to Madrid on Friday as very late.

DHL Post does not answer for my requirements of information, and I'm begining to get nervous.

Have you ever tried Music Store? How long did take to come to your home?

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Re: Music Store, how long does it take to get an order?

I've never used them but surly you will have to sign for the amp on delivery so your lack of signature should prove it has been 'lost' and not delivered?. I would of thought that big companies like that are insured against loss etc.
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Re: Music Store, how long does it take to get an order?

In reply to this post by JaviCAP

Yeah, I'm quite sure that something as big as an amp would be sent insured and trackable. It's probably stuck at some dhl sorting facility.
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Re: Music Store, how long does it take to get an order?

This post was updated on .
Yes, is trackable and insured up to 3.000 euros.

Anyway, DHL Global Post is the German mail service, not the DHL Express (courier) that we all know. The tracking number is stuck since Tuesday July 2nd at 23:35 where it tells that has been  dispatched from the international facility to Spain, and no update until now.

A few months ago, I purchased a Bespecco volume pedal to a german guy that sent me the pedal trough this very same modality: Welpaket Premium, and was sent on a Friday afternoon and received on the next tuesday at 9:30 am. The tracking was not updated until two days after I received the parcel :P

But tomorrow there will be a full week and  Correos claims that the parcel has not arrived to Spain...... In the other hand, this transport uses to be by road, but the Correos clecrk has told me that this shippin' uses to be by plane and the entry point is Barajas airport  (Madrid), so don't know what to think.

Anyway, a week is too much for an amp being moving from truck to truck or plane to truck or whatever...tubes amps use not to like the kind of movement and transportation that a mail or courier service offers, as "Handle with care" uses to mean "Try not to kick  too hard or play rugby with the parcel".

 The sender cannot open a claim until 45! days after shippin' so  I'm afraid that some "nervous" days are awaiting me :(

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Re: Music Store, how long does it take to get an order?

I see... well, it usually takes a week to ship something a 100km away over here, and that's in the same country. Snail mail really earns it's name around here. :)
And we all know how slow China Post can be. So anything international I don't even notice it's missing until at least two weeks have passed.

I'm sure I'd feel different if I had a tube amp coming in, though!
Hang in there!
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Re: Music Store, how long does it take to get an order?

In reply to this post by JaviCAP
You should ask Music Store to handle this, they are responsible for the shipment.
I ordered them a Class 5 about 2 years ago, no problem to France

Which amp did buy BTW ?
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Re: Music Store, how long does it take to get an order?

Hi Altrax,

Yes, I sent an email yesterday to Musci Store, and still no answer, same with DHL Global Post.

I orderded a Laney Cub-head, an amp that I love. Didn't purchased it in Madrid because I had to wait two weeks (sold out in every store), and in Music Stote assured me that it would be here on Friday :(

If i get no answer today from Music Store, i'll open a case with Paypal, mayble they'll be quicker if Paypal asks instead of me :P

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Re: Music Store, how long does it take to get an order?

I'd do that too, it'll probably speed up the process.

Nice clean tones with the cub
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Re: Music Store, how long does it take to get an order?

Done :)

No answer from DHL, no answer from Music Store, nor even pick up the phone so.... paypal reclamation directly.

We'll see if finally they decide to take a look to find out where's the fuckin' parcel.

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Re: Music Store, how long does it take to get an order?

Definitely push through Paypal, I've messaged sellers before endlessly but as soon as you hit Paypal.. boom! they answer!.. which annoys me even more!!

I've just traded all my amps for a Laney L5T-112 Lionheart. Tried it in a local shop and it's an fantastic amp, Excellent at low volumes too.
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Re: Music Store, how long does it take to get an order?

Yes, they're quick :P  About  20 minutes since reclamation raised to send to Paypal the tracking number that I know a week ago, and that shows that the parcel has not reached Spain.

I suppose that they're tryin' to get some time, but not sure if a tracking number that shows clearly that the item has not arrrived would be of help for them.

Anyway, tomorrow I'll ask for a chargeback at my bank. Don't like to be ignored,  don't like to know that nobody knows where's this fuckin parcel, and I don't plan a to accept an amp that has been lost who knows where for at least a week if finally gets here.

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Re: Music Store, how long does it take to get an order?


So, no Cub for you right now?

Did you try Thomann? I've heard nothing but the best about their business practices from various friends across Europe, they have a spanish site and apparently a Cub head in stock...

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Re: Music Store, how long does it take to get an order?

Yeah, Goran, thanks I know about Thoman (uncle Tomas as we call it in Spain :P) I didn't know where to order the cub, but finally, Thoman told me about 9-10 July (so today :P) as delivery date, and the shippin was 15 euros higher.

Music Store were cheaper in the s&h and assured  Friday 5 as delivery date.

So... well. 10 days have passed by finally, so I'll wait 5 more and purchase it in Madrid.

But never  again with Music Store that's for sure.
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Re: Music Store, how long does it take to get an order?

Well, finally, thanks to Thomann, here's the little one:

 I was about to buy it in Madrid, but did think to include the cabinet too, and was not available, had to be ordered, two more weeks, so ordered both cab and head in Thomman.  Absolutley perfect service: ordered on July 17th, received today

This amp really rocks. It's a really amazing half stack for about 425 euros, few years ago was absolutely imposible to get an amp of this kind for so few money.

If you're looking for a mid size valve amp, look no further, the Cub is really impresive!

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Re: Music Store, how long does it take to get an order?


Very nice! Too loud for my needs but the Cub10 I played was sweet so I'm guessing this is just more of the good stuff...
So, no word about the "lost" one?
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Re: Music Store, how long does it take to get an order?

Yes, it arrived on July 16th and was rejected, so sent back to Music Store, I suppose. It appeared with no trace of the german trackin' and with a Spanish one instead.

Anyway, I had a mail from Music Store on July 12th telling that "all the parcels sent on July 2nd had problems" and they had escalated the issue to DHL.

Not my problem any longer. but it takes guts and bad service  taking ten whole days to realise that all the orders sent in a date were lost....