Mutron Phasor II pcb

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Mutron Phasor II pcb

Hey guys I remember someone posting that they couldn't get their Phasor II build working with Mark's layout so they bought a PCB for it that was pretty small

I want this PCB but can't find the post where the person said where they got it from. Anyone know where I can find one?
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Re: Mutron Phasor II pcb

Madbean is releasing the Naughty Fish in July.
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Re: Mutron Phasor II pcb

Unfortunitly, that's the mutron iii. I've seen a demo of the phaser ii madbeans pcb, but it seems like they don't make it anymore. I really wanted ton get it too, as the vero is just crazy big, and super tight for a 1590bb.
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Re: Mutron Phasor II pcb

Look in the Madbean buy/sell/trade section its called krypton phaser. A member called Kgull made a layout for it to fit in a 1590B. I built it and it sounds great! I don't know if he has more boards or not but its worth an ask.
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Re: Mutron Phasor II pcb

Thanks guys. Yeah MAndrews the Mutron III is actually an envelope filter. I though about that one but built a lovetone meatball clone instead. It looks like madbean did sell a board for the phasor but it doesn't appear to be available

I'm gonna look for that krypton board. Would seriously love a Phasor II in a 1590B! Thanks again
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Re: Mutron Phasor II pcb

Yeah man, it sounds great! I put it in a 125a to accommodate some mods I added but it would definitely fit pretty easily into a 1590b
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Re: Mutron Phasor II pcb

Here's my build of it so far. I put it in a 125A and added a switch with the univibe cap values. I wanted to be able to control the speed pot by foot so I installed it at the top with a large knob.

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Re: Mutron Phasor II pcb

looks awesome man. i found the thread where we can by a PCB for this
Buy Board

and if you want to etch your own:
Board Etch

thanks for letting us know what the name of the board over there luke.
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Re: Mutron Phasor II pcb

Oh yeah, sorry forgot to post the link, anyway, you got it sorted. This is a really fun phaser and it works best with the Tayda LDRs so there's that too... haha.
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Re: Mutron Phasor II pcb

Sl8v aka Slav


here is the pdf if someone wants to etch by itself. great phaser btw.
phaser addicted
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Re: Mutron Phasor II pcb

Thanks dude. Did you build this from the PCB? I just got four of them in the mail yesterday, they look great. Pretty impressive layout skills squeezing that in a 1590b!