Mutron phasor II

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Mutron phasor II

Hallo, I m going to start with this build, I d like to know how to add a switch or pot that allows to choose between the mixed normal sound  and the wet all effect sound. Would be easy to implement? Thank you
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Re: Mutron phasor II

look at the split n' blend. it would add a blend pot that would allow you to go all wet, all dry, and everything in between.
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Re: Mutron phasor II

I don't understand what you mean, do you want to blend the phaser in with your dry signal like rocket88 suggested or do you mean you want to be able to cut the dry path in the phaser with a switch or something similar?
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Re: Mutron phasor II

Exactly! Cutting the dry signal is what I am aiming at! Excuse my bad explanation
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Re: Mutron phasor II

If you want to cut the dry signal, put a cut between the 1u and 10K below the bottom middle IC and take a wire from either side of the cut (there are plenty of spare holes on each side around the now separated components) to a SPST or SPDT switch.

I'm not sure how useful this will be though.  The effect by it's nature is derived by the dry signal being mixed with a phase shifted signal, and if you remove the dry I'm not sure what sort of effect you'll end up with just getting the phase shifted side.  But that's how to do it anyway.
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Re: Mutron phasor II

Thank you Mark, Im planning to do this, and adding too a rotatory switch for choosing between phaser capacitors and uni vibe values.. I'll try this and then I'll comment how it goes. In the Deep Blue Delay, the dry kill switch was a fantastic feature for me, I hope it works as well here! I ll let you know
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Re: Mutron phasor II

In a deep blue delay I could imagine it being useful, I use all my delay effects 100% wet, or maybe with a chorus when removing the dry signal effectively gives you a vibe pedal.  But with a phaser I'm not sure what sort of benefit you can get.  Maybe a slight vibe or tremolo kind of effect.
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Re: Mutron phasor II

yeah, i'm not sure you'll even hear anything but a "kinda dry" signal. (with digital phasers/digital all-pass filters, that's what happens).

I had separated Dry/Wet outputs on a Maxon phaser, but it was to be used with 2 amps or 2 channels from the same amp.