My prototype....

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My prototype....

Some of you may remember I was tweaking Tim Escobedo's Harmonic jerculator circuit, well I'm finally finished. I spent a few weeks making alterations only to revert to a simpler earlier version which is now my final iteration. I've not done anything earth shattering but I like to think there are some well though out tweaks and it sounds excellent.
Here is a picture...

The ones I'm going to sell will be painted with handwritten control labels and a nice clear coat. I'm going to record a demo within the next week and a half, get some more parts and start building my first batch. I'd love a good name for it though, so any suggestions would be most welcome (you will receive credit obviously).
Once the demo is on youtube I'll let Mark and/or Miro know what I've altered so that if you fancy building one then please do!
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Re: My prototype....

Looking good dude, can't wait to hear the demo!
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Re: My prototype....

Hmm hit a problem. With shoes on, the foot switches are very difficult to turn on or off independently. This leaves me with a few options:
1. scrap the oscillation footswitch in favour of either just using the pot or a toggle, both of these would mean that you couldn't use the oscillation on the fly which is something I was keen to include.
2. Use bigger enclosures, this would solve all the problems but would make the pedal quite massive and add significantly to the cost.
3. Mount the pots on the side and then stagger the 3 footswitches on top, similar to the Roland Bee Baa. I generally dont like to side mount pots but it may be the best solution here.

What do you guys think? I'd really appreciate any thoughts. I'm leaning toward option 3, the question being should I mount the pots on the top or bottom side ie. facing away from you or towards you.
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Re: My prototype....


Having large feet myself, I'm of the opinion that:

- you can never have too big an enclosure. 1590Bs are for wusses

- IDK how big your pcb/vero is but if you can stagger the footswitches (maybe in a V shape?), that's good enough. I'd mount all the pots on the top (north), once the pedal is on the floor I almost never fiddle with pots anymore. You can naturally put them on left/right (east/west) sides to be protected by guitar cable but that's just too unsightly to me...

Honestly, I'd just get a bigger box. I normally box three-footswitch stuff inside 1790NS.

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Re: My prototype....

Thanks for your thoughts Goran, the vero layout is very small so buying a massive enclosure does seem like overkill. Plus I really wanted to keep these as cheap as possible so that a greater variety of people can give them a try. I was thinking of a v shape for the footswitches, with the bypass switch forming the bottom of the v, nearest to you.
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Re: My prototype....


That makes sense if you can fit your board in between left and right "top" footswitches. Mount the pots on the north side and Robert's your mother's brother.

Looking forward to your build!
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Re: My prototype....

Yeah that sounds doable. Thanks for your advice Goran.