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I just tested the mount Nintendar and I do not get all the sound sample paulinthelab

Attached is the layout of the breadboard or I need to have a mistake? the vr1 n 'has no effect on the circuit.

the pedal works but with just his fuzz.

If anyone can help me to be cool :)


Translation with google translation
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Looks to be almost identical to Tim Escobedo's PWM, with some clipping stuck on the output -

Your breadboard layout appears to be correct. That doesn't mean your components are actually layed out exactly as per the drawing, however. If I were you, I would simply pull it all apart and plug it back in following tim's schematic instead: doing this may well correct a mistake you have made that you are currently unable to spot, and following a different visual representation of the circuit might help you spot it.
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In reply to this post by MOPO

Thank you for your answer.
I have found a link

  I think I have understood, for the sound of paulinthelab, it must be coupled ffects 2 (nintendar the triangle oscillator and finally ..... if google translation done his job ......... ......
I can not verify this at the moment because I didn 'to LM358 ...........
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salut mopo,

the nintendar guitar fuzz is the basic effect which short work as a complete effect.

and the oscillator
appears to be something paul added as an optional daughter board at a later date. you add that to the nintendar guitar fuzz.

je manque un peu l'habitude d'ecrire en francais mais comme traduction je dirais que le nintendar guitar fuzz c'est un effect complet, ca marchera sans besoin d'autre chose (enfin c'est ca l'idea). et l'oscillateur ('pcb soeur' on dirait) ca s'attache au nintendar (comme puce) mais na marchera pas tout seul. comme leo ferre dirait 'c'est extra!'

i hope you manage to crack it.

i've recently finished soldering the board for paul devils drone synth but haven't wired it up yet. he's got some interesting things there.

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Hi Tab,

Indeed the nintendar works as a simple fuzz, I could check, you just replace the (1 and 2) (the vr1) by (2 and 3) and connect (1) instead of (3) compared to the usual numbering fx layout potentiometers for volume in the right direction.
The fuzz is quite simple and even interesting sounds are obtained by reducing the voltage to 2.7 (octave) or 3.6 (stompbox) ......
as soon as I recovered a LM358 or equivalent ic I would build the add on triangle oscillator on the breadboard to connect and test this theory.

I think the sample of nintendar of paulinthelab is with the add on or with another effect ......................

to be continued :)

It is not obvious to me either with English :)

Thank you

@ +