NPN conversion for the Germocide low HFE fuzz

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NPN conversion for the Germocide low HFE fuzz

Love the look of the Germocide PNP fuzz built for low HFE low leakage germaniums. But I also have a bunch of NPN ones lying around. Is it simple enough to get it converted?

Original Germocide Fuzz
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Re: NPN conversion for the Germocide low HFE fuzz

Silver Blues
Whenever you need to convert a transistor circuit from NPN to PNP or vice-versa, simply reverse the polarity of anything polarized. This means appropriate transistors, electrolytic or tantalum capacitors, diodes (unless they are clippers, then it doesn't matter because they are anti-parallel anyway) and the power supply (and ground of course).
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Re: NPN conversion for the Germocide low HFE fuzz

So the usual NPN swap trick will work.

Will there be any issues with that 20k trimmer? And what pinout would the transistors need to be..? Do those get swapped as well?

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Re: NPN conversion for the Germocide low HFE fuzz

Silver Blues
Yes, haha.

I'm not sure I understand completely. A trimmer has no polarity, so it wouldn't really matter what you put in it. The pinout of the transistors would have to be the same unless you want to insulate and bend pins. If you want to put in NPN transistors you need NPN transistors...
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: NPN conversion for the Germocide low HFE fuzz

Ok, I get it now. I just have to make sure the pinouts stay the same.

I was under the impression that the pin out might be different meaning the trim pot would need to be moved to get adjustment going.

I'm totally going to give this a try. I have sooooo many russian NPN's and wanting a home.