Naga Viper - Is it a buffer too?

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Naga Viper - Is it a buffer too?

I read the following in the Catalinbread Naga Viper owner's manual:

"Also, don't place any buffered pedals before the Naga Viper as they will negatively impact the sound. Ideally, the Naga Viper should "see" your guitar pickups directly for the best response."

Does this imply the Naga can also be used as a buffer, for instance to drive a pedal board with a bunch of effects?

I have a buddy who is concerned about treble loss due to cable capacitance, he asked me to build him a buffer pedal. But he already has a Naga. Will that suffice or should I build him something like the JHS little black buffer?  
1978 Gibson Les Paul Standard, Cherry Sunburst
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Re: Naga Viper - Is it a buffer too?

It isn't a buffer in the conventional sense, but if it has a low enough output impedance it will drive a long line of effects with no problem.  It just means that it will work best with the impedance from the pickups rather than feeding it with a low impedance output of a preceding buffer.
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Re: Naga Viper - Is it a buffer too?

I do like Catalinbread pedals a lot, but am I that wrong in thinking that when you release a pedal in this day and age that still can't work well with buffers and you're charging more then €100 for it there is something wrong with your design? Surely its possible nowadays to come up with a treble booster, or a fuzz face for that matter, that can be placed anywhere in the signal chain if the user so desires? No need to keep sticking to schematics from the 60's like glue, right?
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Re: Naga Viper - Is it a buffer too?

Yes it would have made sense to do something about a historic issue with the pedal it was based on, and it can certainly be done easily enough, as MXR did with the Classic Fuzz