Need help from amp and switching gurus.

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Need help from amp and switching gurus.

My son has had a idea for a guitar rig that looks like a great idea on paper, but I'm not sure of the best way to proceed.

Google come up pretty blank on anything similar I'm afraid.

He has a Marshall 9000 stereo tube power amp, which he wants to use. His idea is to convert one side of the amp to Fender spec by fitting 6V6 tubes and re-biasing it. That way, he has one side of the amp as "British" sounding, and the other side "American" sounding. Each side of the amp will feed into a seperate speaker cab.

The next stage is to build six classic preamps - 3 British (Laney Supergroup, Hiwatt and maybe Vox) and 3 American (Sunn Concert, Fender and maybe a Supro or something similar). The preamps will be housed in a rack unit. The preamps will feed into their relevant side of the power amp.

Obviously he realises that he won't get the exact sound of each amp, but hopes to get in the ballpark.

Final stage is to build a multi button footswitch to allow switching from one preamp to another.

What I'm struggling to get my head aroud is the best way to impliment the switching - not neccessarily the simplest way, but the best way.

Any ideas guys? individual leads, multicore cable, relay switching, CMOS switching?
Is there anything else I need to take into account? Impedances etc?
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Re: Need help from amp and switching gurus.

Sensei Tim
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I think I recently saw something on rg keen's site for a remote relay looper/switcher. If I recall he was using a standard cat5 cable from the footswitch to the looper. Seems like there are enough leads to run power and signals.

editted for typing
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Re: Need help from amp and switching gurus.

Hi Tim,

Yeah that seems to be the only thing I could find too. I guess I need to find layout for doing this.
Can anyone help with a layout please?
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Re: Need help from amp and switching gurus.

I'll see what I can do as far a layout. I'm thinking for the switching, why wouldn't having something like a looper with a cable to each preamp work. You could control which preamp is in the circuit? I think they make ones that when to turn on one switch it would turn off the other, so you can only have 1 switch on at a time.

I figured if give a lite insight into the amp design and tube swap. I don't think it's going to sound more American with the tube switch, but he's going to change the amount of headroom in the amp and the tone will be a little different. I know people have done it before, but the el34 has less headroom then the 6L6's, which makes a direct switch a little harder then going in the opposite direction. I only know about this in my new obsession with designing amps, and when looking at the sunn 2000s, yes the layout will be posted soon, it's designed with 6550's, but it can run kt88's for more headroom no problem, and believe it or not you could put in el34's, and 6L6's without having a readjust the bias. The output of the amp will have less output and breakup much sooner as a result. Also, I believe the tube socket would need to be altered to allow for the pinout of the new tubes to work. It's adding a jumper between two of the unused pins.
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Re: Need help from amp and switching gurus.

Thanks Zach. I'm not too concerned about the power amp part of the equation, as I have a really good amp builder locally.

It's the switching. I don't really want a whole buch of leads - I'm thinking something more like 3 channel amp switcher pedal type arrangement - 3 buttons, one lead. In this case I need 6 buttons and one lead though.

There is Mictesters CMOS switcher that Silverblues posted a while ago.

I've also seen these Arduino relay switchers - they are cheap and easily available. Do you reckon they could be used?
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Re: Need help from amp and switching gurus.

In reply to this post by Beaker
I built a switcher box that sounds similar.  If mine sounds like it would work for you, let me know and I'll dig up the layout.

I had a Fender preamp and a Meatsmoke preamp.  I had a Fender poweramp.  I had pedals in front of the amps but also in the loops.  So what I needed was a switch box that could run guitar>pedals>preamp>morepedals>poweramp, but allow me to swap preamps out.  Does this sound like what you're looking for?
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Re: Need help from amp and switching gurus.

It might well be! Thanks for that.

His idea is to do away with a traditional "head", and use preamp emulations into a power amp.

He just wants to be able to switch between preamps.