Need layout

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Need layout

Don't know if its allowed here..But i would like to build this...
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Re: Need layout

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Here it is:
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Re: Need layout

Thanks.. Greatly Appreciated.. will try to post the build.
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Re: Need layout

In reply to this post by Alex
Would be good to add this verbiage.

"Although it is recommended to bias each JFET to 5V, there is nothing to stop you from experimenting
with different bias voltages, however keeping Q3 at 5v is recommended."

Many of us (at least me) like seeing the added info to the notes of the layout.
Just a thought :)

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Need layout

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Re: Need layout

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Chris60601
Hi Chris. Thanks for the suggestion. I've seen that note but I was expecting people to go on guitarpcb link to check infos about the circuit.
I've updated it.