Needing community's thoughts on ethics.

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Needing community's thoughts on ethics.

Hello all,
A manager at a local music school has asked me about doing a DIY pedal clinic. She used to teach at my sons music school and became aware of my hobby as I was always tinkering with something in the lobby during his lessons. This sounded fun and I would love to see more people building on their own.  My only concerns would be in the ethics involved.
  If I were to do something of this nature, here is what I would envision:
A very basic intro to the components that are commonly found and how to identify them on schematics and layouts.
A walkthrough on transferring layout onto vero and the order in which components should be soldered.
A basic soldering lesson.
Each participant could pre-register and choose 1 of maybe 3 simple kit options. Perhaps a simple boost, fuzz or distortion. And they could bring their own tools or opt for a kit of basic needed tools as part of the package.
Classroom construction time that would be supervised to answer any questions or for trouble shooting.
My hopes would be to get folks comfortable and confident to move forward in the hobby. I would want to guarantee a working circuit by the end of class. I would like them to walk away with a good product and a working knowledge while sending less than it would have cost them to purchase the effect.
I would also like to provide them with a DVD of diagrams, links and resources I have found helpful in my journey.
This is just basically off the top of my head but I wanted to give an idea of the possible structure.
I would of course expect to be compensated for my time and I’m sure the school would expect compensation as well.
Here is where my ethical question lies. Would it be OK to use layaouts from this site as part of the lesson plan as well as some of the diagrams like the offboard wiring?
I have learned almost everything I know here and certainly don’t wish to bite the hand that feeds me. I know many openly sell their builds and do capitalize on what is provided here. I just want some opinions on if running a single day class on helping those who are on the fence discover that its within their reach.
Please let me know what your thoughts are and If there would be a more acceptable way to go about this if what I have mentioned is questionable.
I informed the school that I would not want to commit to anything until I got feedback from the community.
Thanks for any and all input.
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RE: Needing community's thoughts on ethics.

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My .02, you have 3 options that can allow for a clear mind.

1. Find a schematic that is truly public domain where copyrights doing apply due to age.

2. Get a public created design (here or elsewhere) and get permission to use it as a teaching aid.

3. Create your own layout them that removes any feelings of ethics😉

Again, just my thoughts. Mow if your just teaching the process of, I wouldn't think there would be any issues.
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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RE: Needing community's thoughts on ethics.

Thanks Chris. Could you clarify what you mean by "public created design"
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RE: Needing community's thoughts on ethics.

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Say you wish to provide example layouts for folks to build.
I suspect there many in the public domain that are free for the using (copyrights have expired etc).

As for layouts created by the community; take the example of some of the home-grown layouts here (Rockett comes to mind, I think he and a few others created one).

In the above example, all you would need is the permission of the folks that created it (same if you wish to use ROG originals etc). The key being, getting their permission.

In the 3rd example, a layout (stomp) that you yourself designed. you would be free of any sort of issues (unless your alter ego wants to sue you, LOL)

As to using guides from this site, its been a long while since I was in college and one course taught us that you don't ever want to plagiarizer UNLESS you properly give credit where it is due. The previous statement is not 100% true as its never a good idea to plagiarizer BUT, there are times it needs to be done. And when you do so, you ALWAYS want to ensure to the reader that this is NOT your idea and you are mearly using someones ideas Visa via - the little footnotes you run across that shows the person where you are quoting from or getting your information.

Yes - that even applies to websites too. Of course, when selling media that has content from a site, you would certainly want to get permission from the owner of the site and perhaps the creator unless it is specifically outlined that any contribution falls under some form of public use.

And speaking of public use, in that same class - there are some things that are public use in the internet that does not require any form of acknowledgement. As it falls into a category that it is common knowledge.

I'll look for the book we used in school that covers it. It would be a good investment to pick that up since it gives you the guidelines on what to use and when to use it.

Just some things to think about and hope you are able to use some of it.
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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RE: Needing community's thoughts on ethics.

OK thanks again. I fully intended to give credit to those who created the material. I had intended on giving a few options like SHO, WTF, or maybe a P.Plexi800. All are On the main site, thus permission would need to be granted by the layout creator. In these examples Mark.

I also thought that if and when this clinic were to be offered, manufacturers and pedal names would not be listed so as not to capitalize on their name. Rather offered a s a choice between a popular boost, fuzz or distortion.

I also Liked JohnK's Modded Fuzzbud layout.
So I guess Seeking permission from Mark and possibly John would be the first steps to insure all is good.
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RE: Needing community's thoughts on ethics.

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I personally feel you should consider either your own, original work or a community driven project.
I suspect (but obliviously don't know for certain) that even getting Marks permission to use his vero design of some other manufacturers design, may be some residual issue since the original work wasn't Marks.

There's something about making money that seems to get some folks panties in a bunch. Whereas if it what is being offered is free of charge, wouldn't draw the critters out of the wood like the mention of money would :)

Not trying to discourage you (by no means!) Just want to ensure that you as an entrepreneur, has good information to move onward :)

Again, just my thoughts. Will be interesting to hear others chime in on this.
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.