Neewb Question

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Neewb Question

HI All,

Thanks and forgive me for this very neewb question.  On the layouts, it is not always clear to me how the polarity should be connected like for some of the caps that have a +/-.  I understand the band direction on a diode and that resistors typically don't have polarity as some caps don't too. How is this represented on a layout.

Thanks very much and great site!!

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Re: Neewb Question

Hi Nick, and welcome
no forgiveness needed, we all start somewhere and asking questions is a good way to learn. Would be a good idea to have a good read through the beginners section and some of the other basic/tutorial type posts as well though,  as there is a lot of good stuff in there which can really help to get you head round things if you're starting from zero. But in answer to your question....

The caps with a the +/- on the layouts are usually polarized electrolytics and look like round cans with either a lead at each end (Axial) or two leads on the base (Radial) one of those leads matches a stripe up the side which is the - and is shown on the layouts a s a mark on that edge of the cap

for example on this layout the cap in question is the 47u, and spans rows 1 and 2, with the + on row 1 (Top) and the - on the next row down

and even though the colours used are a little bit different in this layput the principle is still the samel. 100uF cap (In the centre, spanning top to bottom rows) + is the top, and the marking for the - is to the bottom

Hope this helps
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Re: Neewb Question


Thanks very much for the quick response.  It is very helpful.  I have read most of the material and how too's on the site.  There is so much great stuff, it is like drinking water from a fire hydrant with a sip straw!!!  (-:  Your examples answered my question.  As much as I lookd at the layouts, I didn't notice the makrings/shading.  As an examle, the BYOC 27v booster, I went back and looked again and AHA!  There it was.  Must be my old man eyes.  Thanks again and hopefully I can contribute in a positive way down the road.

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Re: Neewb Question

You're welcome Nick

And I doubt it's old man eyes' there is so much to try to take in and learn and sometimes it just takes a bit of time and a friendly pointer in the right direction....or to use your analogy, maybe a bigger straw? I've only been at this for about 3 years myself and don't consider myself much beyond noodhood as even though I've climbed to the top this mighty peak of having learned so much so far, I take a along satisfied look around only to see the blimmin Himalayas in front of me! thankfully there are always plenty of people waving from the next peak upwards giving advice and encouragement on how to get ther, and I'm sure you'll be able to contribute something soon

By the way, whereabouts in the world do you call home?
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Re: Neewb Question

35 miles northwest of Boston, MA USA.  and you?

Thanks for the encouragement!

I built a Monte Alumns OD-808 kit last month and it worked the first time and I use it giging.  I was building CBGs but I am having more fun with this...  learning from scratch.  Thank again.