New Big Muff!

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New Big Muff!

I'm sure you'll agree that at £75, this looks worth buying. In my opinion, this is probably the most exciting iteration of the big muff to be released since the original.
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Re: New Big Muff!

Love it
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Re: New Big Muff!

Would have thought more people would have been interested in this?!
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Re: New Big Muff!

looks good but IMO, if you complete DIY-er as myself, EHX might piss you off by offering all these great pedals at budget prices. At that price point, it's quite often hard to justify making a copy ;p and I DO like my pedalboard being completely homemade!
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Re: New Big Muff!

In reply to this post by Dave
Sweet, I think I'd be very interested in buying this. I think they should do reissues of all the other Muff versions. I kind of agree about their prices impacting on DIY but I also think there are people who seek out the 'boutique hand made' pedals just like some people insist on owning originals. There is space for everyone
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Re: New Big Muff!

Surely if EHX are offering these sorts of pedals at these prices that's a good thing, I mean yes it ruins your whole diy only board, but outrageous pricing is the whole reason I got into diy, for me, this is a sign of great things.