New Pedal eeeeeking like Hell....

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New Pedal eeeeeking like Hell....

Hi Guys!!

Finished my third build yesterday, so I am really really new to this matter, and there is almost permanently an really high pitch eeeeking as i engage the pedal. Looked up all the conections, if one of my solder Joints went loose but they are all fine..... Thought mabey i didn't ground something propperly, Or that it could be a condensor, for it stops sometimes, if i cut of the Input Signal......
I build a Wooly Mammoth using the Vero schematic from this side.
Would it be just easier to build it again ?

And on the other side I am looking for some good books about this matter.

I hope you can enlighten me a bit ^^

And sry for my bad english (and the stupid autocorecting function of my PC):P

Thanks Ginsch
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Re: New Pedal eeeeeking like Hell....

Okay please don't lough , but the eeking stops when i touch the soldering Joint of a resistor ..........
and than the pedal works fine......
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Re: New Pedal eeeeeking like Hell....
