New and here with questions

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New and here with questions

I didn't realize there was a forum here. I need to pay better attention.

I recently have built up two layouts from the layouts here. The Paisley drive and the Euphoria drive.
My plan was to put them into the same enclosure with an order switcher and make something like the Fusion pedal but with just the original circuits and all of the controls as defined in the layouts.

A little bit of history about my builds is appropriate here: I've never had a major problem with a build so far. Everything has always worked, or the fix was immediately apparent as soon as I stepped back for a minute and looked at things.
I don't say that to brag. I include that because it speaks to my troubleshooting experience. I haven't had to do much. So, the experience is minimal.
And i include that because based on my past good fortune, I boxed this one up before testing it.

Well, things didn't go so well this time.

At first I suspected my switching, but since pulling the Paisley out and bread-boarding it separately, I have found that it doesn't work. So, I guess that's where I will start.

At first, when I engaged the effect, sound would cut out completely. Bypass worked fine.
I found that I had put the transistors in backwards.
Since replacing those (and the op-amp for good measure), I now get sound when the effect is engaged but at a volume drop and no real effect applied. The controls have no effect at all.
So, it seems like the circuit is engaged or at least loading the signal down.

Something that really threw me is that I accidentally found out that signal passes through the sleeve as well as the tip.
What I mean is that while pulling the output cable out of the jack, I accidentally touched the tip of the cable to the sleeve - and I could hear my signal!

Here's a shot of the underside of the Paisley drive.
I can take whatever pictures you need that might help.

Thanks for any assistance.
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Re: New and here with questions

Hi, I'm somewhat new here too, but have built several successful projects from these veros (and have plans for more!) - including the Omega Booster and (my favorite) the Clark Gainster.  Thanks IVIark!  I'm a veroboard junky now...

When I look at your photos of the Paisley Drive, something looks strange at row one above the IC.  Is there a cut at column 9?  Check the layout - the 1 nF cap should be straddling a cut.  If the cut is in the wrong position that would mess up the electrical connection in that row, perhaps causing the problems you describe.  BTW, before I start populating my vero boards, I double check the cut positions and I do a continuity check to make sure there is no connection across any hole in a strip.  I'm surprised how just a tiny piece of copper can bridge a cut hole.  I use a razor to make sure everything is clean.

You may want to take some clearer closeups of the front and back of your board if there are other issues with the layout.

Good luck!

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Re: New and here with questions


I tested the Paisley without the stomp switch and order switcher and it works.

I also double checked that there were no solder bridges. Things seemed fine, but I cleaned things up even more just to be sure.

I also found that I hooked up my pots incorrectly. I reversed the order. I've never done that before. It's even harder to admit that because while I took a break from this build, I built another pedal and didn't mess up the hookup on that.  This just seems to be that one build that gets me at every turn. I'm going to win though!

Thanks for the reply, Frank.
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Re: New and here with questions

Well, I got it sorted out.

I ended up replacing the stomp switches and the 3PDT wiring boards.
I'm not 100% sure that they were the cause of the problem but I needed to eliminate them as a possibility since the problem seemed to be related to switching.

There was an improvement. So, I figured I was on the right track.

Another problem came up with one of the circuits - I had shifted a few component leads up by one strip.
Once I fixed that, everything is working well.

I gave it to the new owner. It was a gift to him.
He tested it out today and loves it.

There seems to be a bit of pulsation when the Euphoria Drive is cranked up past a certain point.
I'm not sure what that could be, but I'm up for the challenge.