New (old) pedal day

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New (old) pedal day

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Check this sweet shit out. Mosrite Fuzzrite. Ge transistor model, all original, all mine.

 photo C4876C11-4200-485C-87E1-E9D79CB7495A_zpseorifoja.jpg

I'll make a schem for you guys some time. One thing I can say is that the 2n caps each have a (factory original looking) 2n cap in parallel with them for a total value of 4n of course. So it should sound fatter than the schems with the 2n caps. I can also say that it sounds fucking awesome

Its really not nearly as buzzy or shitty sounding as people seem to imply. It's pretty smooth sounding for the most part but is slightly gated. When you roll your guitar volume down a little bit that's when you get into that buzzy choppy territory

And here's a pic of my humble collection while I'm at it :P

 photo 678E77E6-7876-4286-9D05-B9A6A62DC6D4_zpsj5ckldeo.jpg
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Re: New (old) pedal day

Gut shot please
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: New (old) pedal day

The board is eyelet construction mounted on the bypass switch with the components facing down so I have to take it apart to see the components

Here's a photo I stole from the seller's listing though

 photo E79310FB-0137-4E51-96AB-FFCD77D72854_zpsrnpc4rfs.png
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Re: New (old) pedal day

20% tolerance ceramic caps!!  That's where the magic mojo is...
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Re: New (old) pedal day

hehe I saw that right away too

Ugh. I already freaking love this pedal. Resisting the urge to blather on and on about it's endless sonic beauty.