New pedal building blog

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New pedal building blog


I just wanted to share my new DIY building blog. It's mostly pedals but some other stuff aswell..
I've also gathered all my own vero layouts there (the verified ones at least)
There's a few soundclips and videos and I'm going to keep it updated as often as I can

I hope you find it interesting / inspiring :)

Stuff coming up:
* My Subcommander guitar synth build inside an old radio
* Guitar to MIDI converter built inside a guitar
* Vintage pedals repairs
* and lots of regular pedals and new verified vero layouts

/ Fredrik
check out my building blog at
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Re: New pedal building blog

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Re: New pedal building blog

In reply to this post by Freppo
Awesome!.... There can never be too many
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Re: New pedal building blog

Silver Blues
In reply to this post by Freppo
Nice! Could I ask what site you used for this? I was thinking of doing something along these lines if I ever get around to trying my designs.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: New pedal building blog

sure, I'm using :)
I like it alot and upgraded to their "pro" version.
Which means no commersials and more features
/ Freppo
check out my building blog at
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Re: New pedal building blog

Silver Blues
Awesome, thanks!
Through all the worry and pain we move on