New webshop online

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New webshop online

Sorry for the shameless plug. Not many are viewing the sale section so..

I just wanted you all to know that I have a webshop up and running. :)

There is not much for sale at the moment, but i'm awaiting 6 more different PCB's from the manufacturer that should arrive soon.
I know most people here build on vero, and I will keep on sharing vero layouts for all future stuff aswell.
The shop is just meant to compliment that for those that don't like vero for some reason.
There are some benefits of PCB's, especially regarding noise, ticking issues ect

Anyway, if someone would like to order something I will offer this 10% discount code for forum members: FORUMMEMBER (valid until 11/6)

Cheers / Fredrik
check out my building blog at
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Re: New webshop online

Very cool Fredrik!  I very much enjoy building on PCBs so I'll definitely check out your projects.  Do you accept Paypal transactions?
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Re: New webshop online

Ed Nice
In reply to this post by Freppo
Hi Freppo. That's a nice clean site (as the other one was). I like it!

I've never done anything on PCB but if I do, it's the first place I'll look. I actually like cutting and drilling and filing the vero... I find it really relaxing :o Very sad, I know...

Good luck with it. :)
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Re: New webshop online

In reply to this post by Freppo
Hi Freppo - good luck on this. I have enjoyed your site and your contributions here.
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Re: New webshop online

In reply to this post by Freppo
best of luck with your venture, freppo. your original designs are always much appreciated here. i visit your site pretty regularly, always something new worth seeing, but never really noticed there was a shop link before. will pay close attention from now on.

on of the best things about pcb over vero is that they are almost idiot-proof. each component is marked out what it should be and where it should go. only enough holes for the components you use, and even offboard wiring is labelled. so generally less chance of bits straying where they shouldn't. a factor i appreciate hugely as i attempt more and more complex builds.

i recently built your vero layout for the tremshifter which was hard for me. a great layout of yours, as always, but the mere amount of bits and offboard wiring presented lots opportunities for someone with rubbish concentration to screw up on, of which you can be sure i took full advantage (eg, thinking i'd finished and then realising i'd forgotten the jumpers under the ic sockets. pretty bad...).
so was slightly gutted when i finished and then found out that the pcbs are available again. if it's a big build a pcb option is a useful luxury.

btw what are the 6 new pcbs coming?

and what are your shipping rates to the uk for single and multiple boards?

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Re: New webshop online

In reply to this post by Freppo
Looks good. I've built quite a few of your circuits and layouts. Can't wait to see what comes next!
Give a man a match and he'll be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: New webshop online

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Frank_NH
Thanks for the encouraging words guys. :)
I'm glad you find my humble stuff interesting.

EDIT. Checkout problem solved. :)

Frank_NH wrote
Do you accept Paypal transactions?
Yes. I accept paypal and creditcard :)

tabbycat wrote
btw what are the 6 new pcbs coming?
The 6 PCB's i'm awaiting are:
The Arcadiator (slightly updated version)
Flawed Logic Fuzz MKII
Raygun Youth Chaos Fuzz
The Sidescroller - A new one, AKA " silver fox octaver MKII/Arcadiator light"
Active Bax EQ
Active Tilt EQ

Demos and VERO layouts coming soon to the Sidescroller and Flawed Logic MKII. ;)

And a few more coming soon aswell which i'm working on atm:
Parasite Phaser MKII (with added waveshape pot)
The Flying Guillotine Fuzz
Active 3-way EQ (I'll do a vero for this one aswell)

tabbycat wrote
and what are your shipping rates to the uk for single and multiple boards?
The shipping is approximatley (worldwide):
1-3 PCB's: 1,5€
4+ PCB's 3€

It depends on the weight, so the exact pcb numbers can vary.
You will see the final shipping cost in the checkout.

/ Fredrik
check out my building blog at
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Re: New webshop online

Dude. That's awesome. Congrats and good luck. Glad to see you're moving in that direction. Still have to build the dogboy OD from way back when, which I loved the demo.
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Re: New webshop online

^ all of this guy's demos sound great. I want to build it all

Hopefully the Tayda coupon is still on