Newbie has switch dilemma, due to bad instructions.. Help!

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Re: Newbie has switch dilemma, due to bad instructions.. Help!

I know, they're not easy. I just don't really use distortions very much, but I'd like to have a few.

So are you saying there's definitely something wrong with that Mystery Muff? I think, again, since TR can't even bother to proofread, I may just go with a different Muff, altogether.
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Re: Newbie has switch dilemma, due to bad instructions.. Help!

Not neseccarily wrong, just that it doesn't match up the the schematic for the mistery muff we know of. They could be using a different schematic for all we know, since the toner sport articles on diy do lack a bit of info. I'll still draw up a layout for the schematic posted by muzadin, hopefully tonight. And since I forgot to do it yesterday I do plan on taking pictures of those caps like I said.

As far as OD's, fuzzes, and distortions there are so many different ones out there you can't just lump them all together. Trust me there's one out there for you, just have to check them out. Even in the big muff family ever single one sounds different enough that I build them, even the variants made by other companies. The same can be said about the tonebender, and many others.
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Re: Newbie has switch dilemma, due to bad instructions.. Help!

Silver Blues
Yeah muffs are really easy to tinker with endlessly and generally see a difference in tone or dynamics. Great circuit to just play with. I own a Muff and am planning to build another.
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Re: Newbie has switch dilemma, due to bad instructions.. Help!

After messing around with the Colorsound Boost, I think I'm going to reuse some of it and make something different, probably the Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz, I like the way that sounds.

When you put together a parts list, do you essentially just go over the diagram and hope you don't miss anything?
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Re: Newbie has switch dilemma, due to bad instructions.. Help!

correct. what myself and a bunch of us that have been building awhile will suggest is if you're planning of doing more then just the one effect and intend on getting more into the hobby, is to do the following.

choose a few projects, like 2-4 projects and make a list of all the components you'll need. once you make the list order up everything you need from as few sources as possible. i suggest ordering from tayda electronics especially if you're in the US, cause they have a distribution center in colorado so you get things rather fast and they're inexpensive. you'll want to order a few extra of each part just in case one gets damaged or something. plus you'll have some parts for the next builds. you can make the list on an excell spreadsheet, so you can keep track if you want to go back and build something again. oh, if you're going to order from tayda their poly caps are greenies, so they can be rather big, so you might want to spend a few extra bucks and get box caps, its not that much more. you can also get an assortment from smallbear, which will give you some of the values you'll use and they're similar to the older panasonic caps, and fill in what's missing from some from tayda.

btw, i just updated the mojo hand colossus layout, because someone just found 2 caps that were the wrong value. also, i'll have the unknown muff done a little later if you want to give that a go.
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Re: Newbie has switch dilemma, due to bad instructions.. Help!

That's exactly what I just did. I ordered parts for this and the Catalinbread Sabra Cadabra. If I pull these off, I'm gonna try a verb or delay, next. THanks.